Sunday, December 19, 2010

[News] Jessica-Hyomin Doppelganger story explained

T-ara’s Hyomin was dubbed by netizens as Jessica’s ‘Doppelganger’ AGAIN after her recent transformation.
For the sake of the promotional activities for T-ara’s latest song ‘Ya Ya Ya’, Hyomin who kept her long hair for 4 years had to transform herself to suit their new concept and that involved cutting her hair short.
Due to her hairstyle transformation, netizens commented, “After cutting her hair, she seems to resemble Jessica” and “Hyomin is Jessica’s Doppelganger”.
About this ‘Doppelganger’ matter, Hyomin commented, “Jessica and I know about this. As much as I love to keep my long hair, I also want a transformation and thus, I have decided to cut my hair. After the transformation, a lot of stories about my resemblance to Jessica came along. It was fun though”.
She added, “Of course Jessica knew about this too. During her trainee days, Jessica was told ‘There is someone who looks like you’ and upon hearing that, she actually came to look for me. Since then, there were so many stories about us looking alike. Nowadays, Jessica and I laugh along whenever we hear these Doppelganger stories”.
Translated by: fanwonder


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