Thursday, December 23, 2010

[News] Daesung, "I am afraid of appearing on variety shows"

Daesung has a confession about his appearances on variety programs.

In a recent interview, he said, "I am afraid of appearing on variety shows because even though I appear very cheerful and lively on TV, what I show on TV does not directly reflect my real personality."
Daesung, who is now shooting for the drama, What's Up, says, "Before I appear on variety shows, I prepare all night long the day before. I always appear very cheery on TV because when I film 50 minutes, I only actually go on air for about 5 minutes."

He also added, "It was quite hard to act freely like best friends with people I have never worked with or who are a lot older than me."

Although on TV Daesung is always laughing and cheerful, off the record he is a young man who is shy and works hard.

Source: Hankooki + Translation by Beau @ bbvipz
Shared by VIC @
Reposted by AnaBanana♥ @


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